Step 1 > Login to manage workers

On successful business registration, you will be invited to login to the system to manage your workers. Please click the link and login to this system using the details in the email sent by Pegasus/Onsite Track Easy.

Step 2 > Add employees

Select Manage Employee Data. Choose Add Employee and enter your employee’s details. Select submit.

Step 3 > Choose employee role/s

Select process next to the employee’s name, select their role/s, and apply. Ensure you’ve agreed to the terms and conditions and choose a card delivery address. Select save.

You will pay for employee registration, access cards and inductions later in this process.

Step 4 > Upload supporting documents

You will now be prompted to upload documents supporting the role/s you’ve chosen for your employee, including a photo for their ID access card.

Step 5 > Pay for registration

$110 + GST for the first year and $80 + GST annual renewal. Replacement card cost $30 + GST per card

Step 6 > Registration and training approved

Pegasus will review your employee’s registration and induction booking request, and on approval, they’ll be emailed a link to complete the induction. Upon successful completion, their ID card will also be mailed for site access.

You will only be pre-qualified to work for Peabody when you have completed both business and worker registration.

Please visit Help and Resources for more information and induction booking documents.